We had our first Christmas Stall experience. It was at an historic Victorian Railway Station - in my language that means old. I noticed 6 'bellasomish' Christmas trees 4 were down the stairs that led to the station.
My favourite place was the ladies waiting room, it was great, Max wasn't allowed anywhere near it. There was a real coal fire in the room, wooden benches and a carpet. It felt like it was a sitting room from someone's house rather than a public waiting room. I went in there quite a lot.
Max was interested in the steam trains, the engines were massive black heavy iron constructions and the carriages were complete with highly polished wooden doors. Each engine had a proper name: One of the engines that left from platform 1 was Oliver Cromwell.
I was surprised I had to work so hard to get people to notice me, it doesn't normally happen. I suppose though the fact that Santa was riding on the train had something to do with it. You'd think by now that Santa would know how important Bella of Beckingham is. Maybe by next year he will get the message and stop planning events on the same day as me.
It was a great couple of days. But I was embarrassed by how the Ruff Life crew dressed. You'd think being around my fantastic style in fashion they could have turned out more stylish than looking like rejects from the abominable snowman, there's no helping some people sometime.
Well I must go
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