We are so excited about this new development at Ruff Life!
I'm extra, extra excited because it involves fashion. And you all know what an expert I am when it comes to fashion. Well guess what...
If you take a look on the left hand side of this page you will see a banner displaying a few products from the - RUFF LIFE STORE
You will no longer have to spend hours thinking what you can buy for your family and best friends; Just get them something with me on it and they'll be so delighted; they'll think that you're a genius for coming up with the idea.
I've been told to tell you that we have started with a few amazing products for you. More products will be added on a daily basis; keep checking back here, or at our bellatastic website
Ruff Life Online.
Don't forget the Goodreads free giveaway click this link to enter to win Diamond In The Ruff- It's a brilliant read.
Diamond in The Ruff.